Sage and it’s Medicinal Benefits

The herb Sage is very good for respiratory issues, sinus problems, sore throats, and swollen inflammed gums. It helps due to its high antioxidants and anti-inflammatory benefits.

Sage is a vulnery herb; meaning it can help heal minor skin abrasions or cuts. It is very calming for the nerves and can help as an antifungal.

Sage is in the mint family. Cooks often use it for culinary use in stuffing, sausages, and in Mediterranean foods.

Medicinal Suggestions for Using Sage:

  • Drink sage as a tea to rid congestion, mucous build-up, or even a runny nose. Boil filtered water, use 1 to 2 teaspoons of sage, and steep tea for about 10-15 minutes to release needed compounds. Strain and drink.
  • Gargle the warm sage tea with ¼ tsp of sea salt to soothe a sore throat, or switch tea for swollen inflamed teeth or gums.
  • Use the steam from the tea by covering your head with a towel over the pot of herbal tea for colds, coughs, or stuffy sinus problems, breathe it in! You can also use add herbs thyme or peppermint for this problem.
  • For skin abrasions soak a cloth in the warm tea and use it as a compress, wrapping it around the area affected. After the compress cools, you can soak the cloth with warm tea again for a second compress.
  • Sage can also be used to soak feet in sage tea for fungus issues, like athletes’ feet.

Cindy Burrows  01-07-23





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