Curry Herb Blends: Amazing Artery Cleaners

A Curry herb blend is a great example of a culinary spice that is also a powerful medicinal agent. Curry sounds like a specific herb, but it actually is a blend of spices, maybe you have heard of Chinese Five Spice or, Garam Masala. Masala means a “mix of spices”.

The plant called curry leaf is a different plant and the green leaf is infused in certain food dishes in southern and western India for cooking certain dishes. It can be dried, powdered, and added to masala blends for flavoring.

A Curry powder is a mixture of spices, started by the British, to copy the essence, and taste, of Indian food. It is a bright yellow color due to the main ingredient being the spice turmeric. and it’s compound curcumin, blended with other spices particular to a particular country or region.

Curry Addresses the Worldwide #1 Cause of Death: Heart Disease

Studies have shown that Curry’s post-meal measurements show its ability to pass through blood vessels and then increase the blood flow by vasodilation. (Published in Nutrition Journal, 2014) This could possibly be due to its high antioxidant levels which blunt the sugars or oxidative stress. This helps prevent cardiovascular issues like the hardening of the arteries or atherosclerosis.

Sometimes when your body is confronted with stressors it can cause an inability for the blood vessels to relax. Stressors could include diet, allergies, or mineral deficiencies in the body, even environmental exposure, or lifestyle issues like high blood pressure or smoking.

Curry Blends for Artery Cleansers

In real Indian Curries, the spices utilized are similar to Garam Masala blends, which can include turmeric, ginger, cloves, cinnamon, garlic, fennel, black pepper, or fenugreek. Or blend in herbs of cumin, coriander, or cardamom. These spices can neutralize the cardiotoxic diseases and mortality of the standard Western diet.

  • Adding Cardamom spice strengthens heart vessels and are vasodilators helping reduce tension in all blood vessels; this decreases the risk of heart attacks and strokes.
  • Curry blends are wonderful seasonings for soups, salads, and marinades.
  • Best used by mixing first with broth, coconut milk, or yogurt and then adding to a main dish, slow cooking can help to infuse and release the best flavors.
  • These dishes can be sweet or savory, earthy and warm to spicy, dependent on the type of spices you add, from black pepper, mustard seed, nutmeg, bay leaves to chilies.

Other Helpful Herbs for Artery Health

In a study, reported in the Journal of Applied Physiology Nutrition and Metabolism, 2014, found that 30 minutes after ingestion of pomegranate juice, it enhanced blood vessel diameter and increased blood flow; especially after exercise.

Beet juice is another blood-supportive food due to the presence of nitrates, like nitric acid, (not nitrites, which are bad). One study found after 90 minutes of consuming beets or beet juice it helped dilate blood vessels, specifically in the frontal cortex of the brain which affects cognition.

Even adding fresh avocado to a meal with your curry blend or a hamburger ameliorates the artery-contracting properties seen in a typical American meal.


Cindy Burrows


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