Herbal Benefits of Moringa

Moringa Oleifera, is a tree that grows mainly in India, Pakistan, and Nepal, is extremely nutritious and is unmatched in its range of medicinal benefits. You can use the whole tree from roots to tips for beneficial results.

Moringa is an anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory used by natives to help prevent disease. It is also called the horseradish tree, or the drumstick tree.

In 2008 the National Institutes of Health promoted the Moringa as “the plant of the year”.

Moringa has been used in Roman and Greek traditional medicine for GI issues, stomach pain, and ulcers. It was also used to rid the body of parasites and as an anti-venom.

Moringa: Special Herbal Benefits

The Moringa plant is rich in vitamins C and B, monosaturated Oleic acid (Omega 9), amino acids, carotene, and proteins.

  1. It purifies skin, helps it retain moisture, and prevents inflammation.
  2. It is anti-bacterial, and counters fungal infections, like athletes’ feet. It is also found effective against Herpes simplex virus by preventing skin lesions. Moringa protects you from environmental chemicals and allergic substances.
  3. Soothes aging skin from flaky, dry skin and wrinkles.
  4. If it is used as a conditioner, it stimulates hair growth and protects from hair loss. It stops dandruff and itching.  Some dermatologists may recommend Moringa to help balance and restore natural color and vitality to your hair. It helps keep a good pH balance by balancing acidity in your body.
  5. Moringa can also be used on insect bites, rashes, and burns. It can even protect you from too much harmful sunlight.
  6. Treats gum problems and inflammation associated with gingivitis or scurvy.

In some countries, studies show the Moringa plant in any form can help with blood pressure, heart issues, gout, allergic rhinitis, and kidney function.

Moringa can be used for tissue swelling, pain, and wounds.

It has been encouraged, by many humanitarian organizations, to use Moringa to combat malnutrition in poverty-stricken regions. It was named the “miracle tree”, during past and ongoing food crises in Africa.

All forms of the Moringa plant have been used and consumed for thousands of years safely, just be sure it is 100% pure. It is available in many forms: fresh leaf, dried leaf or powdered herb, herbal extracts, and oils.

It can be used as fresh greens in salads, dry herbs in teas, powders in smoothies, and extracts in liquid form or oils.





Cindy Burrows, B.S., M.T., Herbalist and Nutritional Health Consultant.  She helps individuals start health programs to improve their lives, wellness, and happiness. Cindy is a speaker, writer and entrepreneur of several businesses.



Herbs and Spices for a Younger Brain

Many foods are healthy for the brain, but I want to add some herbs and spices you may not realize are good brain foods.

If you prepare your foods, you may have limited spices or herbs to add except salt and pepper. So here are a few to try out, for anti-aging of your brain!

  1. Parsley either Italian flat or curly types, has strong polyphenols, which include antioxidants like apigenin. These strengthen the synaptic connections, your nerve communicators within your brain, it help sleep among other nerve functions. It also contains the compound myricetin, high in vitamins A, K., and C which all fight free radicals or bad cells.
  2. Rosemary is great for the mitochondrial health of your cells; this is the energy part of your cell. Assisting the mitochondria is therapeutic for brain longevity. It is protective and stimulates acetylcholine neurotransmitters.
  3. Turmeric has become very popular for its anti-inflammatory effects and it boosts the nerval stem cells. This supports neuroplasticity for brain health. Turmeric affects BDNF, a hormone involved with long-term brain function. This hormone supports moods by its ability to increase serotonin and dopamine levels; the happy hormones!


Cindy Burrows 5-31-2024

#1 Herbal Updates

This article will be one of many, updating new reports and scientific studies on herbs and spices of all types. I hope that by reading these you will find something useful for your particular health issues or something new to use in your food creativity.

Stevia, a green herbal plant, Stevia rebaudiana, is easily used to replace regular sugar in drinks and recipes. It has a sweet to bitter aftertaste; if used too much it will be very bitter. This herb is similar to the marigold or chrysanthemum flower family. It can be used fresh, dried, as in a powder, or a liquid form.

Stevia is a high mineral and high vitamin A content. You need very small amounts due to the compound, steviosides, which is 300 times sweeter than white sugar! Rebiana is the sweetest part of the leaf used in most real stevia compounds and is recognized as safe by the FDA in the USA.

Besides being a guilt-free sweetener, studies have shown that Stevia can support other areas of health, such as blood sugar management if diabetic, improve cholesterol levels, liver or hepatic protective, and could help with blood pressure regulation.

Of course, as with all herbs it is anti-microbial so is helpful in your oral health, new studies have found it could help with Lymes disease and possibly have anti-cancer effects.

There are no major toxic side effects but a few allergic reactions have been reported if you have a ragweed or allergy. Be careful there are many altered stevia blends sold filled with other chemicals and only small amounts of Rebiana compound itself!

My recommended dosage to try stevia is in the form of a liquid by Sweet Leaf Stevia drops. You can use any amount to satisfy your sweet taste, from 5 to 20 drops in your drinks. I have found this product to be less bitter and love it in my coffee or tea!

Cardamom is the “Queen of Spices”, it is very warm aromatic, and sweet. It is high in manganese which is important for the formation of connective tissue, bones, and hormones. These cardamom pods have seeds that you crush, if using whole pods, versus the powder, and belong in the ginger family, Elettania or Amomcim.

It is mainly produced in Guatemala and is popular in many Asian dishes, especially in curries. It can be used also in sweets, stews, and puddings it tastes citrusy and warm so good for circulation. The aroma is nutty and spicy. You will find them usually in green pods but also available in black or Madagascar.

This herb, cardamom, helps with bad breath; pods are chewed for breath in India, it helps with cavities, is good for diabetics lowers blood pressure, and supports the digestive system.

I like powdered cardamom in a blend with cinnamon and ginger sprinkled in my coffee and on yogurt! Great with apples or berries on top of pancakes too!


Cloves, Syzygium aromaticum, is a well-known herb in Traditional Medicines of China and India. In Germany 1098 to 1179, healer Hildegard von Bingen wrote about its medicinal properties.

You can use both the spice or the Essential Oil (EO), it is very rich in the phytochemical Eugenol with up to 75% ratios.

Clove has been used for centuries for pain, parasites, arthritis, throat, sinus, and lung infections. It has all the important antis! Anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-inflammation, and anti- tumoral.

New studies have shown Clove EO has cytotoxic, cancer cell-killing, properties against breast cancer cells of MCF-7, an invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC) with both estrogen and progesterone receptors.

Cloves also have benefits for liver cirrhosis colon and esophageal cancers. This can also aid cold sores, and toothaches, and assist with the control of flatulence, Indigestion, and diarrhea.

Suggested use are: clove powder is great in coffee or tea drinks, on yogurt or oatmeal’s. (Good blended with cinnamon, ginger or cardamom spices) When using as an EO: Dilute 1-2 drops with coconut or olive oil to rub on the abdomen area or painful joints. Or for internally add 2 drops to an empty gel capsule to swallow for antitumor or antifungal use.

Make sure you are using a 100% food-grade high-quality essential oil. Use only in moderate amounts. Be cautious if on blood thinners for cloves can also thin the blood.








Cindy Burrows







Curry Herb Blends: Amazing Artery Cleaners

A Curry herb blend is a great example of a culinary spice that is also a powerful medicinal agent. Curry sounds like a specific herb, but it actually is a blend of spices, maybe you have heard of Chinese Five Spice or, Garam Masala. Masala means a “mix of spices”.

The plant called curry leaf is a different plant and the green leaf is infused in certain food dishes in southern and western India for cooking certain dishes. It can be dried, powdered, and added to masala blends for flavoring.

A Curry powder is a mixture of spices, started by the British, to copy the essence, and taste, of Indian food. It is a bright yellow color due to the main ingredient being the spice turmeric. and it’s compound curcumin, blended with other spices particular to a particular country or region.

Curry Addresses the Worldwide #1 Cause of Death: Heart Disease

Studies have shown that Curry’s post-meal measurements show its ability to pass through blood vessels and then increase the blood flow by vasodilation. (Published in Nutrition Journal, 2014) This could possibly be due to its high antioxidant levels which blunt the sugars or oxidative stress. This helps prevent cardiovascular issues like the hardening of the arteries or atherosclerosis.

Sometimes when your body is confronted with stressors it can cause an inability for the blood vessels to relax. Stressors could include diet, allergies, or mineral deficiencies in the body, even environmental exposure, or lifestyle issues like high blood pressure or smoking.

Curry Blends for Artery Cleansers

In real Indian Curries, the spices utilized are similar to Garam Masala blends, which can include turmeric, ginger, cloves, cinnamon, garlic, fennel, black pepper, or fenugreek. Or blend in herbs of cumin, coriander, or cardamom. These spices can neutralize the cardiotoxic diseases and mortality of the standard Western diet.

  • Adding Cardamom spice strengthens heart vessels and are vasodilators helping reduce tension in all blood vessels; this decreases the risk of heart attacks and strokes.
  • Curry blends are wonderful seasonings for soups, salads, and marinades.
  • Best used by mixing first with broth, coconut milk, or yogurt and then adding to a main dish, slow cooking can help to infuse and release the best flavors.
  • These dishes can be sweet or savory, earthy and warm to spicy, dependent on the type of spices you add, from black pepper, mustard seed, nutmeg, bay leaves to chilies.

Other Helpful Herbs for Artery Health

In a study, reported in the Journal of Applied Physiology Nutrition and Metabolism, 2014, found that 30 minutes after ingestion of pomegranate juice, it enhanced blood vessel diameter and increased blood flow; especially after exercise.

Beet juice is another blood-supportive food due to the presence of nitrates, like nitric acid, (not nitrites, which are bad). One study found after 90 minutes of consuming beets or beet juice it helped dilate blood vessels, specifically in the frontal cortex of the brain which affects cognition.

Even adding fresh avocado to a meal with your curry blend or a hamburger ameliorates the artery-contracting properties seen in a typical American meal.






Cindy Burrows


Body Regenerating, Age Reversing Substances and Therapies for the Brain; Some Backed by Science

One of the most devastating injuries is the brain or Central Nervous System (CNS), due to the few therapies or programs available for repair and many unknown repairs of the brain. Brain function can also be affected by aging when tissue and nerve cells die.

Today, there are more studies being done about brain and nerve repair; still, a lot of further research is needed to help resolve this type of injury to the body. Previously it was believed regeneration of nerve or muscle cells to “never be possible”; they now know that it is possible for both organs and brain cells to regenerate.

Any Recovery from neurological injury, especially the brain, from strokes, traumatic injury, or loss of oxygen (hypoxia)* such as during heart attacks or carbon monoxide exposure can depend on how bad the damage is and your age, or the health of the victim.

Neuroplasticity is your brain’s natural ability to heal from damage to the CNS, which includes the brain. This includes your body’s adaption to the injury, the efficiency of improvement, or strengthening of the neural connections.

Every brain injury or central nervous system damage will respond differently, and the response will vary on how much it can repair whether due to aging or traumatic injury.

Substances and Therapies Available for Body Regenerating and Aging

  1. Exercises like Physical therapy, Aquatic therapy, electro-acupuncture, cognitive rehabilitation exercises, and Near-infrared red-light therapy are the best physical programs, many can take a lot of practice. The results will vary from a little to a medium amount of repair, rarely total recovery. However, it is worth it to gather any good results you can to improve your or your patient’s recovery.
  2. Nutritional or food therapy helps greatly by decreasing inflamed or swollen tissue anywhere in the body, including the brain. And helps with your body’s metabolism.
  • High Omega 3 Fatty Acids from fish, flaxseeds, or Medium Chain Fatty Acids (MCFA), in coconut oils.
  • Dark leafy greens are good for neuronal repair.
  • Eggs and avocadoes for choline and oleic acid.
  • Wasabi, Japanese horseradish, and even any high sulforaphane compounds* shown in recent studies stimulate the regeneration of nerve tissue, and Nerve Growth Factor (NGF), and may potentially address ischemic* reactions in the brain.
  • Lions Mane Mushroom and Green Tea compounds, like Epigallocatechin gallate, (EGCG) have shown it increases Bone Derived Neurotropic Factor (BDNF). Wheatgrass, Ginger, Turmeric, Rosemary, and Walnuts, can all help due to high antioxidants and increased blood circulation. Ginkgo Biloba studies show this herb assists microcirculation in the brain. Other supplements that have neurogenesis capabilities are astragalus, alpha-lipoic acid, resveratrol, astaxanthin, Gotu kola, Bacopa, and melatonin.
  • Vitamin B12 assists the production of the myelin sheath, the coating of your nerve cells, and Vitamin C and vitamin D, boost the immune and overall health in the body, do not ignore it!


Body Regenerating and Age Reversal in Summary

In many of these suggestions above, you will find some easier to do than others; it depends on you and what you are willing to try, any or all…. or which combination will work for your body, ‘No One Knows, Everyone Responds Differently’.

Many of these nutritional suggestions will also help with aging and repair of the body, decreasing the risk of disease or chronic illnesses.

Review of research may be limited but some substances are found to help in some cases but not all have been confirmed. You may need to continue these therapies or nutritional’s for 6 to 12 months before you will suddenly notice a difference or if it is beneficial for your issues.


*Sulforaphane is powerful for combating inflammation, protecting the heart and brain, and improving detoxification. It’s present in many cruciferous veggies like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, mustard greens, collards, kohlrabi, arugula, watercress, and Brussels sprouts. Cook lightly, low heat since high heat decreases sulforaphane. If you need to cook the fiber of say thick Broccoli stems longer to eat it, add mustard seed powder which helps the bioavailability of sulforaphane.

*Hypoxia is caused by reduced oxygen in the blood, restricting blood flow to the brain or heart.

*Ischemia is the problem where your heart or brain tissue has not received enough oxygen in the blood, causing a loss of functioning cells.










Barrett, D.W., & Gonzalez-Lima, F. (2013). Transcranial infrared laser stimulation produces beneficial cognitive and emotional effects in humans. Neuroscience, 230, 13-23. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2012.11.016.

Cindy Burrows


Sage and it’s Medicinal Benefits

The herb Sage is very good for respiratory issues, sinus problems, sore throats, and swollen inflammed gums. It helps due to its high antioxidants and anti-inflammatory benefits.

Sage is a vulnery herb; meaning it can help heal minor skin abrasions or cuts. It is very calming for the nerves and can help as an antifungal.

Sage is in the mint family. Cooks often use it for culinary use in stuffing, sausages, and in Mediterranean foods.

Medicinal Suggestions for Using Sage:

  • Drink sage as a tea to rid congestion, mucous build-up, or even a runny nose. Boil filtered water, use 1 to 2 teaspoons of sage, and steep tea for about 10-15 minutes to release needed compounds. Strain and drink.
  • Gargle the warm sage tea with ¼ tsp of sea salt to soothe a sore throat, or switch tea for swollen inflamed teeth or gums.
  • Use the steam from the tea by covering your head with a towel over the pot of herbal tea for colds, coughs, or stuffy sinus problems, breathe it in! You can also use add herbs thyme or peppermint for this problem.
  • For skin abrasions soak a cloth in the warm tea and use it as a compress, wrapping it around the area affected. After the compress cools, you can soak the cloth with warm tea again for a second compress.
  • Sage can also be used to soak feet in sage tea for fungus issues, like athletes’ feet.

Cindy Burrows  01-07-23





Herbal Baths for Varicose Veins

If you have trouble with puffy and enlarged veins in the legs you probably hate them and wish to get rid of them!

Varicose veins are largely heredity but are often made worse by habits like sitting for long periods of time; very common today if you do computer work. Or have jobs where you are standing for extremely long times, like all day.

Herbal baths can help improve circulation and reduce those puffy veins. Use warm water, not really hot, and blend into the tub a mix of juniper, ginger, lemon, whole or peel, peppermint, or rosemary. Crush them to release their essential oils or use a few drops of their essential oils.

The best way is to make a muslin bag full of dried herbs and hang the bag under the faucet as the tub fills or float the bag in the tub. Once you are in the tub soak for about 15 to 20 minutes. Use the bag to lightly scrub the skin to release more of the oils.

As an alternative when you do not have time to relax in the tub, you can add a supplement of Hawthorne, Horse chestnut, or Cayenne, to your daily routine. These herbs all help with circulation and swollen veins.

Cindy Burrows 01-03-23

Veggie with Bulgur Entrée

This is the main dish where you can use several kinds of greens, herbs, or spices, your choice depending on availability and your tastebuds.


1/2 Cup of Bulgur (or Quinoa, cook as directed)

2 Tbs of extra virgin Olive Oil (EVOO)

½ a zucchini squash, chopped

½ a bell pepper, chopped, yellow or red preferably

½ onion, red or white, chopped

2 garlic cloves, minced finely

1 Tsp of mixed spices Black pepper, cumin, cayenne, ginger, or turmeric (add more if you like it spicer)

1 Cup of fresh chopped Basil, Parsley, or Cilantro


  1. Soak bulgur grains in ¾ cup of hot water for 10 minutes.
  2. Heat oil in a pan, and saute chopped veggies till slightly soft.
  3. Stir in bulgur until all hot, and water is absorbed.
  4. Take off the heat. Season with minced garlic, and spices and serve with sprinkles of fresh herbs of choice.

Bulgur is a wonderful grain. You can vary or add any other veggies to boost your immune systems, like sliced mushrooms or broccoli.

You can add a splash of lemon or orange juice, or balsamic vinegar if so desired.

Cindy Burrows



Japanese Salad


2 Cups of chopped salad greens, choose red, butter, or green leaf lettuce, arugula, or endive

2 Tbs rice vinegar

1 Tbs reduced-sodium soy or coconut amines

1 Tbs toasted sesame seed oil

1-2 Tsp of minced garlic

1 Tsp of minced ginger root

Blend together all but the greens,

Toss this liquid and spice blend with salad greens.


For a variety add-ins for protein or omega-3 benefits:

1 cup of edamame beans, chopped avocado, cucumber, or cubed tofu, hard or soft.

This is a light salad and goes well with a fillet of fish or chicken breast.

Cindy Burrows






Inflammation: 6 Ways to Reduce Its Damage to Your Body

When it comes to dealing with or combatting most chronic diseases, inflammation can be a big DEAL. And this can become the reason that disease actually starts.

Inflammation is our body’s way to protect, it is a defense against any injury or sickness, to heal itself. So, yes, we always need some of this acute inflammation reaction, but it can get “out of control” and become a chronic reaction, this happens quite frequently.

Acute inflammation is temporary, it goes away and you never feel a change. Repeated inflammation is chronic, it keeps coming, and is retriggered constantly by stressors to your body, resulting in aches, pains, and many types of disease.

Of course, you should also check with your doctor and have your pain checked out when it continues and becomes worse.

6 Ways to Reduce Inflammation Damage to Your Body

  1. Drink plenty of clean water. Try making teas with herbs, spices, or green teas. I recommend using grated ginger or turmeric with parsley, basil, or cilantro to reduce inflammation.
  2. Reduce inflammatory foods, like white flour, white sugars, trans fats, refined carbohydrates, and artificial sweeteners. Eat more anti-inflammatory foods like whole plants, Omega 3 fatty acids, and …. Try broccoli, kale, nuts, and seeds.
  3. If you are allergic or sensitive to certain foods, more commonly, corn, peanuts, or gluten then stay off these as much as possible, to control your inflammation levels.
  4. Reduce your toxic load. This means chemicals, pesticides, cleaning products, skin products, and even polluted air in the environment; can all have toxic chemicals. Decrease your processed and pre-packaged foods that contain many toxic additives.
  5. Exercise helps release some of these toxins, and is beneficial to your organs and muscles. It does not have to be hard aerobics and it can be simple yoga or walking to stretching.
  6. The most important is to decrease your stress, it triggers more inflammation and you need to control the damage to your arteries, veins, organs, and joints to stop those chances of chronic illnesses.

Common symptoms of inflammation are an increase in fatigue, pain, depression, gastrointestinal complaints, weight gain or loss, and persistent infections that will not clear up.

Be aware that many of these symptoms are also found in many other diseases too.





Cindy Burrows
