Are You Bloating, Burping or Have a Fat Tummy?

Yes, it can be embarrassing, and you may feel you are the only one, but you’re not, this affects many other people. These digestive issues can make you feel fat, jeans are tighter, and especially if you are in public or on a date, well, talk about uncomfortable.

Bloating and burping are commonly due to gas built up in your gastrointestinal tract. The cause could be physical problems, food allergies, intolerance to foods, or your lifestyle.

Before you go to the physician try some changes in your diet or habits.

Bloating, Burping or Fat Tummy: Digestive Suggestions

  • Keep track and notice if your symptoms happen after eating certain foods. These could be allergic or intolerants commonly found in wheat, eggs, or dairy. Any abdominal bloating or fat tummy could be a reaction to the gas built up during digestion due to not enough enzymes to help the protein or fat breakdown. Some people like me, cannot process high-fat or fried foods very well. Naturally, I try to avoid them.
  • Bloat or gas occurs if eating too many cruciferous vegetables. I know they tell you to eat more kale, broccoli, cauliflower, or cabbage to be healthier. I recommend eating a variety, and limiting your consumption if they give you gas. These can cause a “fermentation”, during the digestive breakdown of food, and results in a “methane gas”.
  • Use herbal teas or Essential oils (EO) to relieve bloated feelings. Ginger, peppermint, or fennel herbs are great in tea form. If you like EOs add a drop to your tea or rub a drop mixed with a carrier oil on your abdominal area to help digestive issues. (Almond, coconut, or jojoba are good carrier oils) The herb chamomile is also a great gas and digestive reliever, teas are readily available.
  • Foods to flatten your tummy are pineapple and papaya which contain enzymes of bromelain and papain aiding in the digestion of protein foods. Bananas or avocado combat bloat from salty foods since they are high in potassium.
  • Lifestyle changes that help are increasing exercise like walking, better posture, or massaging of the abdominal muscles. Eating your food too quickly or chewing gum are habits that draw in excess air causing bloat.

If these issues do not resolve within a few weeks, see a doctor. You may have irritable bowel syndrome or need special tests or a special diet. You can try Probiotics that assist the good bacteria in better functioning of the digestive system.


Cindy Burrows




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