#1 Herbal Updates

This article will be one of many, updating new reports and scientific studies on herbs and spices of all types. I hope that by reading these you will find something useful for your particular health issues or something new to use in your food creativity.

Stevia, a green herbal plant, Stevia rebaudiana, is easily used to replace regular sugar in drinks and recipes. It has a sweet to bitter aftertaste; if used too much it will be very bitter. This herb is similar to the marigold or chrysanthemum flower family. It can be used fresh, dried, as in a powder, or a liquid form.

Stevia is a high mineral and high vitamin A content. You need very small amounts due to the compound, steviosides, which is 300 times sweeter than white sugar! Rebiana is the sweetest part of the leaf used in most real stevia compounds and is recognized as safe by the FDA in the USA.

Besides being a guilt-free sweetener, studies have shown that Stevia can support other areas of health, such as blood sugar management if diabetic, improve cholesterol levels, liver or hepatic protective, and could help with blood pressure regulation.

Of course, as with all herbs it is anti-microbial so is helpful in your oral health, new studies have found it could help with Lymes disease and possibly have anti-cancer effects.

There are no major toxic side effects but a few allergic reactions have been reported if you have a ragweed or allergy. Be careful there are many altered stevia blends sold filled with other chemicals and only small amounts of Rebiana compound itself!

My recommended dosage to try stevia is in the form of a liquid by Sweet Leaf Stevia drops. You can use any amount to satisfy your sweet taste, from 5 to 20 drops in your drinks. I have found this product to be less bitter and love it in my coffee or tea!

Cardamom is the “Queen of Spices”, it is very warm aromatic, and sweet. It is high in manganese which is important for the formation of connective tissue, bones, and hormones. These cardamom pods have seeds that you crush, if using whole pods, versus the powder, and belong in the ginger family, Elettania or Amomcim.

It is mainly produced in Guatemala and is popular in many Asian dishes, especially in curries. It can be used also in sweets, stews, and puddings it tastes citrusy and warm so good for circulation. The aroma is nutty and spicy. You will find them usually in green pods but also available in black or Madagascar.

This herb, cardamom, helps with bad breath; pods are chewed for breath in India, it helps with cavities, is good for diabetics lowers blood pressure, and supports the digestive system.

I like powdered cardamom in a blend with cinnamon and ginger sprinkled in my coffee and on yogurt! Great with apples or berries on top of pancakes too!


Cloves, Syzygium aromaticum, is a well-known herb in Traditional Medicines of China and India. In Germany 1098 to 1179, healer Hildegard von Bingen wrote about its medicinal properties.

You can use both the spice or the Essential Oil (EO), it is very rich in the phytochemical Eugenol with up to 75% ratios.

Clove has been used for centuries for pain, parasites, arthritis, throat, sinus, and lung infections. It has all the important antis! Anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-inflammation, and anti- tumoral.

New studies have shown Clove EO has cytotoxic, cancer cell-killing, properties against breast cancer cells of MCF-7, an invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC) with both estrogen and progesterone receptors.

Cloves also have benefits for liver cirrhosis colon and esophageal cancers. This can also aid cold sores, and toothaches, and assist with the control of flatulence, Indigestion, and diarrhea.

Suggested use are: clove powder is great in coffee or tea drinks, on yogurt or oatmeal’s. (Good blended with cinnamon, ginger or cardamom spices) When using as an EO: Dilute 1-2 drops with coconut or olive oil to rub on the abdomen area or painful joints. Or for internally add 2 drops to an empty gel capsule to swallow for antitumor or antifungal use.

Make sure you are using a 100% food-grade high-quality essential oil. Use only in moderate amounts. Be cautious if on blood thinners for cloves can also thin the blood.








Cindy Burrows







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